Re: Mortal Combat II and violence

17 Dec 1994 15:57:33 GMT

How many people have played these games? I myself have a terrible
weakness for them (although I don't condone the violence) and after
playing a video game for awhile find that my thoughts are completely
disjointed and jumpy. I seems to me that we're teaching our children a
new way to process information-- quick visuals, extracted from context--
no wonder so many of these kids have A.D.D. Last year I heard a story that
older people didn't like the "Burger King T.V." adds on television because
they couldn't understand them-- apparently they couldn't process the
information quickly enough.
The rapidity with which a single generation can assimilate a new mode of
thought which is incomprehensible to their parents says a lot about the
plasticity of our collective intellect and points out the differential
rate of development for culture vs biology.

I hope that's helpful :)

Dave Conlin
Dept. of Anthropology
Brown University
Providence RI