Re: sports

T Kohn (Tamara.Kohn@DURHAM.AC.UK)
Wed, 14 Dec 1994 10:33:06 +0000

You ask about 'serious' anthropological work on sport...
Eduardo Archetti (Univ. of Oslo) gave a marvelous paper at the EASA
(European Assoc. of Social Anthropologists) conference in Oslo last June
called "The Moralities of Argentinian Football". This will be published
in due course, but you might approach him for a copy and for any other
work he or others have done on the subject. Write to him at the U. of
Oslo, Dept of Social Anthro, PO Box 1091 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway.

Hope that helps,
Tamara Kohn (Univ. of Durham, UK)