Re: Riddle for Morty

Abner Malloty (
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 00:17:45 -0500

In article <>, wrote:

> Hey, Morty! Here's a riddle for you, a multiparter!

Oh, goody! A riddle!

> Who is associated with the liberal left? And when the liberal
> left influenced legislation in New York City and instituted
> rent control and when the NYC real estate market became highly
> dysfunctional, and as that dysfunctionality intensified,
> who ascended to become the multi-billionaires of the NYC
> real estate market?

This is two riddles.
The first answer is: Liberals
The second answer is: Donald Trump

> Who began to dominate the U.S. educational system, and
> coincidentally when dysfunctionality began to take hold of
> that educational system with unprecedented low standards and
> accomplishments, and as that dysfunctionality intensified,
> who rose to greater heights of power and prominence within
> that system?

Hmmm, a toughie. I'm guessing: Teachers

> Who began to dominate the U.S. legal system, and coincidentally
> when dysfunctionality began to take hold of that system with ever
> rising crime, divorce, and negligence rates, and as that dysfunc-
> tionality intensified, who rose to greater heights of prominence
> and financial rewards within the U.S. legal profession?

I'm guessing: Lawyers

> Who began to dominate psychoanalysis, and coincidentally when
> dysfunctionality began to take hold in this area with mental
> illness being said to be at "epidemic proportions", and as
> that dysfunctionality intensified, who rose to greater heights
> of prominence in the world of psychoanalysis?

There's a pattern forming here. I would say: Psychoanalysts. Or maybe:

> Who began to dominate the medical profession, and coincidentally
> when dysfunctionality began to take hold in this area particularly
> in terms of non-affordability and malpractice, and as the
> dysfunctionality intensified, who rose to greater heights of power,
> prominence and wealth in the medical profession?

Oh, this one's easy: Doctors, or if you need me to be more specific: Surgeons

> Who began to influence social norms by way of the entertainment
> and news media, and coincidentally when dysfunctionality took
> hold of U.S. society in just about every respect, and as
> that dysfunctionality intensified, who went straight to the
> top in terms of mega-financial rewards?

Um...Prince? Madonna? Roseanne? Oh, I've got it! One-Named Celebrities!

> Who began to influence the U.S. economy by way of fiscal
> and, again, legislative policy-making, and coincidentally when
> dysfunctionality took hold of the U.S. economy and employment
> market, and as that dysfunctionality intensified, who is
> currently ascending in power and prominence, not just in
> the government, but in every related institution?

Oh, there are too many answers to this one. Supply-siders? Reaganauts?
Oh, hell, let's just say: Politicians

> Who did their darnest to instigate civil rights legislation
> in the U.S., and coincidentially when dysfunctionality
> began to take hold... I think you are starting to see the
> progression here!

Ooh, yep, a progression. We're back around to...Liberals

So, having answered your riddles, do I win a prize?

D. J. Schaeffer | The Todal looks like a blob of glup. | It makes a sound like rabbits screaming,
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and smells of old, unopened rooms.
-- Thurber, _The 13 Clocks_