Riddle for Morty

Tue, 17 Sep 1996 06:23:39 -0500

In a response to the Author in the thread under the subject
heading, "Re: Political Sci/Social Sci Term Paper Ideas Available,"
Morton M. Goldmacher, Barrister and Solicitor, struck a low
blow to the qualifications of the Author.

Morton M. Goldmacher wrote:

> This posting is unquestionably from an individual who has no
> familiarity with the principles of economics. My guess is that the
> author has no post-secondary education whatsoever.

The Author responds:

Hey, Morty! Here's a riddle for you, a multiparter!

Who is associated with the liberal left? And when the liberal
left influenced legislation in New York City and instituted
rent control and when the NYC real estate market became highly
dysfunctional, and as that dysfunctionality intensified,
who ascended to become the multi-billionaires of the NYC
real estate market?

Who began to dominate the U.S. educational system, and
coincidentally when dysfunctionality began to take hold of
that educational system with unprecedented low standards and
accomplishments, and as that dysfunctionality intensified,
who rose to greater heights of power and prominence within
that system?

Who began to dominate the U.S. legal system, and coincidentally
when dysfunctionality began to take hold of that system with ever
rising crime, divorce, and negligence rates, and as that dysfunc-
tionality intensified, who rose to greater heights of prominence
and financial rewards within the U.S. legal profession?

Who began to dominate psychoanalysis, and coincidentally when
dysfunctionality began to take hold in this area with mental
illness being said to be at "epidemic proportions", and as
that dysfunctionality intensified, who rose to greater heights
of prominence in the world of psychoanalysis?

Who began to dominate the medical profession, and coincidentally
when dysfunctionality began to take hold in this area particularly
in terms of non-affordability and malpractice, and as the
dysfunctionality intensified, who rose to greater heights of power,
prominence and wealth in the medical profession?

Who began to influence social norms by way of the entertainment
and news media, and coincidentally when dysfunctionality took
hold of U.S. society in just about every respect, and as
that dysfunctionality intensified, who went straight to the
top in terms of mega-financial rewards?

Who began to influence the U.S. economy by way of fiscal
and, again, legislative policy-making, and coincidentally when
dysfunctionality took hold of the U.S. economy and employment
market, and as that dysfunctionality intensified, who is
currently ascending in power and prominence, not just in
the government, but in every related institution?

Who did their darnest to instigate civil rights legislation
in the U.S., and coincidentially when dysfunctionality
began to take hold... I think you are starting to see the
progression here!

Anyway, Morty, don't get your shorts tied into a knot over
any of this. Sometimes a riddle is just a riddle!

If anyone would like a free email copy of the multipart
treatise on the downward wage equalizing effects of
equal employment opportunity, send a brief request to:

Hurry while the Penet remailer is still forwarding email
to the "na" form of addresses.

"Government enforced wage equalization will work only in the
downward direction" - despite any initial appearance to the
contrary! And the most shocking thing of all is that the least
preferred job candidate doesn't even have to be awarded a job
for many phenomena to take place!