Re: Where is potassium found?

H. M. Hubey (
25 Oct 1995 18:09:47 -0400

Thanks very much for all the information. (Sean Stinson) writes:

>H. M. Hubey ( wrote:

> Bannanas are considered high in K+.

Doesn't sound too encouraging :-)..

I guess other fruits/plants could have high concentration too.

> The physiological concentrations sodium,potassium, and chloride,
>in the body fliuds of all mammals is almost exacttly the same as sea water.

Ion | Seawater | Mammals Ratio S/M
Na+ | 480mM/L | 142mM/L 3.38
K+ | 10 mM/L | 4 mM/L 2.5
Ca++ | 11 mM/L | 2.4mM/L 4.58
Cl- | 560mM/L | 103mM/L 5.43

I added the ratios. Hmmm, the Aquatic Theory of Mammals.
how about non-mammals before we go too far again :-)..

If the reason for this is the salts it seems that Clorine
concentration (roughly) would be the sum of the potassium
and Sodium (i.e sodium chloride and potassium chloride).
It seems to be Ok. i.e. 3.38 + 2.5 = 5.88 ~ 5.43

Has anyone done any calculations of the rate of addition
of these chemicals to sea water over the years? In other words
the chemicals have been added over millions of years by the
rivers washing off the compounds from land. Can this be used
to calculate (assuming the aquatic mammal idea has some merit)
the rate of increase of the chemical concentrations of the oceans?

Or if the rate is known, we can use it to get a number
for the beginning of the mammal age (another independent number)
and yes, assuming it's true.

>: Are there any animals which would be a rich source
>: of potassium, i.e. sea food of any kind?
>>All animals would be rich in potassium.

The same ratio as above for all animals as for mammals?


Regards, Mark