Evolution as Controversy

R. A. Page (71760.1715@compuserve.com)
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 17:32:49 -0400

Recently returned from a modern-day trip of discovery to the Galapagos
Islands, one of the researchers, Dr. McCosker, was quoted in the

> While the first "rushes" of discovery are already in, it will take years
> to flesh out the factors in the environment that made the fish remake
> themselves. "The expedition has raised more questions than it has
> answered," says McCosker, which is the way scientists like it. Given
> the abundance of evidence of natural selection, McCosker is
> astounded that evolution is still regarded as a "controversial theory"
> in some quarters. "I wish we could take everybody on the planet to
> the Galapagos to see natural selection in action."

If only it would be as simple as presenting observable phenomena to
raise peoples' level of awareness and appreciation of real science, vice
the rampant acceptance of pseudo science.

The DISCOVERY CHANNEL web site is at the URL below. Follow the links
there to the recent Galapagos field work:


The opinions expressed herein are my own,
unless someone disagrees with them, in which case they're stolen.