Re: Mr. K and Mr. S... was: Death of a hypothesis

Elaine Morgan (
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 00:14:01 GMT

In article <> wrote...

> Paul Crowley <> wrote:
> >The aspect that I find hard to cope with is the sheer quantity of
> >water that the sweating mechanism requires. The early hominids
> >must have lived right beside fresh water streams or springs.
> >And given the heat stress that we all agree they were subject to, this
> >can't have been in a forest. It means that their habitat must have
> >been extremely limited.

Flooded forest maybe? Gallery forest?

The trouble I have in imagining this mosaic (apart from the fact that if
they were all living in it it wouldn't account for the himinds shooting
off in an entirely different direction) is: Since the climate over this
mosaic would not presumably have varied much from one spot to another,
why would some patches have trees and others only grass? It could have
been accounted for by mountains but I am not aware that mountain areas
are included in the imagined habtitat. The difference would surewly
have to be in ground water, standing water, flowing water, lakesides
etc. The forested bits would be the wetter bits. Some parts could well
have been at least seasonally flooded, like the bonobo habitat.

