Re: Patriarchy: Re: What Matriarchy?

Bryant (
12 Sep 1996 13:49:54 -0600

In article <>,
Len Piotrowski <> wrote:

>"If the planned society were to deliberately steer its members past those
>stresses and conflicts that once gave the destructive phenotypes (aggression,
>dominance, violence) their Darwinian edge, the other phenotypes
>(cooperativeness, creativity) might dwindle with them." ([said EO
Wilson]1975, p. 575). >
>Substitute "male" for destructive phenotypes and "female" for the other
>phenotypes, and you have the crux of the problem.

Wait a minute. Substitute "Black" and "jew" in there, and you can get an
even nastier implication. OR you could stop putting words in other
peoples' mouths and try to deal with their points instead.

I think that Ed Wilson's aims sound pretty naive, but what about changing
social environments to reduce the incidence of aggression, dominance, and
violence sounds unreasonable to you, exactly? How does this differ, in
policy or substance, from those who suggest that reducing the incidence
of violent stimuli in music and TV might reduce violent behavior in our
young people? Are people who say such things really to be treated as
Social Darwinists? 'Seems pretty dishonest to me.

