Re: Strange Maths (was Re: Why not 13 months?)Bernd Paysan (paysan@informatik.tu-muenchen.de)24 Jul 1995 14:08:43 GMT
In article <3um8n0$98o@shore.shore.net>, Whittet@shore.net (Whittet) writes:
Well, that's 14 above and 11 aside (thus 51.8427734126309 deg or
>Secondly its Apothem, or sloped side is equal to a stadium (600 Greek feet)
Didn't the greek by a number of not accumulating errors got to a good
>Third, that degree has 365240 English feet in it. How can that be a coincidence?
Does it? Assuming 40'000 km (and 2.54cm/"), I get 364537 feets/degree. Or I
>Fourth the circumference of the pyramid at its base has 36524 English inches in it
Who's? Cheops' alias Khef'ren? Cheops' is AFAIK about 140m height, so the
>Fifth the ratio of its height to the circumference of its base is the same as the
Well, pi, but was this really intentional? Former piramids had a different