The Aryan Theory

G Sutton (
Tue, 06 Aug 96 18:43:46 GMT

The Aryan Theory states that an Indo-European or Nordic proto-race was
the primary source of many of the world's principle civilizations - Aryan
(India), Kassite, Hittite, Persian, Mycenaean, Greek, Roman, Slavic, Keltic,
Teutonic and today's modern Western European. Some of the evidence to support
this is the discovery of a surprising linguistic relationship. One
Indo-European root word: name (English), nama (old Persian), nama (Sanskirt),
onoma (Greek), nomen (Latin), nome (Italian), name (German). Firmer evidence
in support of the Aryan Theory includes the genetic imprint of properly dated
skulls with the proper cephalic index in areas where Indo-European languages
were spoken and a wealth of literary and artistic allusions attributing fair
coloration and blondness to the gods and heroes of early Indo-European
languages. The first documented evidence of blondism is an Egyptian wall
painting of a daughter of Cheops, Queen Hetep-Heres II. Since blondism is a
recessive trait, both parents must have had some blond genes. The patricians
of the Roman Republic and some of Romes early emperors were mostly Nordic in
race. Suetonius speaks of Augustus' hair as "incling to golden," of Nero's
"light blond hair" and Galbs's "blue eyes."
Although it is not generally known, several top-rated historians and
scholars have lent their support to the Aryan Theory. V. Gordon Childe,
described by the Encyclopedia Britannica as "easily the greatest prehistorian
in Britain of his generation and probably in the world," wrote that Aryans
"appear everywhere as promoters of true progress and in Europe their expansion
marked the moment when the prehistory of our continent begins to diverge from
that of Africa or the Pacific." More recently, Oxford Professor C.D.
Dardington stated of the Aryans "Although they are stretched across two
continents we attribute to them a common ancestry and a common origin,
somewhere between the Danube and the Don and at some time before the end of
the third millennium, B.C. Other famous advocates of the theory include
Arthur Gobineu, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Madison Grant and Lothrop