Re: lions, chimps and sticksH. M. Hubey (hubey@pegasus.montclair.edu)17 Oct 1995 08:43:47 -0400
rtravsky@UWYO.EDU (Rich Travsky) writes:
>The chimp's strength has been established. Tho smaller than a human,
Knocking a man down doesn't have to be done like a boxer. It depends
>But we're talking about defense against four legged predators,
Those animals don't know what throwing motions mean. it
>How about _many_ stray rocks, thrown by many chimps/humans? Being
I'd have to test the accuracy of chimps first. They don't
Finding rocks on the grassy plains is kind of hard.
>you? All I have to do is reach to the ground and pretend to pick up
It's strange to find dogs bevave this way unless it's
>In the plains? Assuming they traveled alone, instead of the
It doesn't matter. I'll bet on the hyenas and lions any
>The same can be told of early peoples and their relations with
We don't know where they survived. Isn't that what the