SAA Interior Appropriations Conference Report

Sat, 9 Sep 1995 14:13:45 -0400

The following is provided by ACRA as a service to the historic preservation
community. Don Craib, governmental affairs person with the Society for
American Archaeology, has considerately made up a table showing where we
stand on historic preservation appropriations in Congress. I have tried to
make it look like a table on e-mail, but without tabs, it is difficult. ACRA
would like to thank Don and SAA for putting this data in one easy to
reference table and hope that you will use it in your telephone calls and
letters to Congress. If you have not already used the EXXON 800 number (and
even if you have), here is an excellent opporunity to do so. Numbers are in

Tom Wheaton
Executive Director - ACRA
Check out our Web site at:


Program FY 95 Clinton's Req. House Senate
ACHP $2.95 $3.07 $3.07
NPS Cult Prog. $19.04 $18.52 $18.52 $18.52
BLM Cult Prog. $12.04 $12.62 $11.00 $11.00
NEH $146.13 $156.09 $99.50
FS Heritage $14.59 $18.53 $14.00 $13.13
(Grants in aid $34.43 $36.00 $34.43 $32.71
Nat Trust, etc.) $6.9 $7.00 $3.5

Don states:

Please contact your senators and representatives and ask them to urge the
conferees to:
1) Support the House funding levels for the cultural resources programs of
the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service, to
support the House level for the Historic Preservation Fund Grants in Aid
program, and to support the House level for the Advisory Council on Historic
2) Support the Senate funding levels for the National Endowment for the
Humanities, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Explain to your member of congress the importance of these programs to the
historic preservation system and how drastic cuts in one program can diminish
the effectiveness of others.