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Subject: hypothetical interview - feedback rsvp
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perhaps someone out there can give me some creative help...
suppose you were called up for an interview for an anthro/some soc. instructor
position (full-time) at a community college. you heard throughthe grape vine
that one of the interviewers likes to put the interviewee on the spot by
requesting a 5-10 minute mock lecture on a topic the committee conjures up...
lets say that you want to prep a little for this mock lecture and you are
trying to second-guess the topic. what areas should you bone-up on?
**hint -1. this is just a community college and most courses are intro.
2. the school is replacing someone who specialized in physical
but the announcement never made that clear so as to get a healthy
pool of applicant. there's a good bet that they want some one
with a physical/bio emphasis however.
i would appreciate any and all comments and suggestions...
feel free to e-mail me directly: Kerry Penning/CSUF: kpenning@fullerton.edu