? Bereavement of Hispanics

Hongjie Wang (hwang@MOOSE.UVM.EDU)
Thu, 3 Nov 1994 09:35:12 -0500

A Ph.D student is working on a paper about the rituals (or cultural
differences) of Hispanics over bereavement. She likes to know more
about the topic. I've done a search using CINAHL (a nursing database),
Medline (a biomedicine database), PsycLit (a psychology database), ERIC and
Sociab (a sociology database) and found some good articles and a couple
of books on the subject.
Do you have any other suggestions? Names of expert in this area, like
medical anthropologists? Any help will be appreciated.

Please mail to me directly at hwang@moose.uvm.edu I'll be glad to
summarise the results if there is enough interest.
Thanks in advance.

Hongjie Wang
Health Science Librarian
University of Vermont