Re: Patriarchy, evolution, etc.

Doug Weller (dweller@RAMTOPS.DEMON.CO.UK)
Sat, 16 Mar 1996 22:25:01 GMT

In message <> thomas w kavanagh recently said:

> Webster's:
> ilk
> Scottish
> (obsolete): same, like;
> from a misunderstanding of the phrase "of that ilk", in Scotland, meaning
> (1) of the same name, as "Macdonald of that ilk," meaning Macdonald of
> Macdonald, hence (2) of the same class or kind.

And that's a common misunderstanding. Macdonald of that ilk means
Macdonald, Laird of Macdonald, ie 'of that ilk' means 'of that estate'
*not* 'of that family'. Hence if I were 'Weller of that ilk', I
would be Weller of Weller, with Weller being my estate (hopefully
with woods and a stream!).

The meaning 'of the same class of kind' is generally given first
in British dictionaries, but at times with a caveat that no
everyone approves of it's being used that way!

I've checked this in various dictionaries, including my 2 volume
Reader's Digest which is based on Houghton Mifflin's databases,
and of course Oxford.

Doug Weller