position announcement
Kiran Cunningham (kcunning@HOBBES.KZOO.EDU)
Mon, 4 Mar 1996 15:41:56 EST
Kalamazoo College seeks applicants for a visiting position in cultural
anthropology at the assistant professor level for the 1996-97 academic year.
Ph.D. (or evidence of imminent completion) required. Salary competitive and
consistent with level of experience. Applicants should be prepared to teach
two courses per quarter in a small department of sociology and anthropology.
These would include several of the following: introduction to cultural
anthropology; medicine and society; archaeology and physical anthropology;
women in cross-cultural perspective; contemporary theory; Latin American
cultures. Candidates are expected to have high aptitude and interest in
undergraduate teaching, a commitment to the liberal arts, and a desire to
involve undergraduates in scholarship both inside and outside the classroom.
Kalamazoo College is a highly selective nationally known liberal arts
college offering an integrated undergraduate experience that weaves a
traditional liberal arts curriculum into educational experiences in both
domestic and international settings. The campus is located midway between
Chicago and Detroit in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a metropolitan community of
225,000 which supports four college and university campuses along with
numerous civic arts and cultural associations. Thirty-five miles from Lake
Michigan, the area offers many opportunities for outdoor activities.
Applications will be accepted and reviewed until the position is filled.
Send curriculum vitae (including a description of scholarly interests),
undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial acceptable), a detailed
statement of teaching philosophy and goals, and three letters of
recommendation to Robert Stauffer, Chair, Department of Sociology and
Anthropology, Kalamazoo College, 1200 Academy Street, Kalamazoo, MI
49006-3295. Kalamazoo College encourages candidates who will contribute to
the cultural diversity of the College to apply and to identify themselves if
they wish. Equal Opportunity Employer.