Research Opportunity: Pacific Art
James Carrier (James.Carrier@DURHAM.AC.UK)
Tue, 7 Mar 1995 11:53:06 +0000
7 March, 1995 TO: ANTHRO-L@UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
Dear Folks,
I have been asked to pass along the following, which may be of interest:
Research opportunities in the anthropology of Pacific art
In 2000 the National Gallery of Australia will stage a major exhibition
on 'Oceania' to coincide with the Olympics in Sydney. The show will deal
with both European and indigenous art in the Pacific, and the development
of interaction over time. A research program connected with the
exhibition will be convened by Nicholas Thomas at the Australian National
University. This will involve work by graduate students on topics such as
the following:
* the emergence of non-traditional art in Papua New Guinea since
the 1960s
* changing tattooing practices in Polynesia; neotraditional
tattooing among Samoan migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand; the revival of
Maori tattooing
* the changing significance of Cook Islands quilts (tivaevae) in
the Cook Islands and among Polynesian migrant communities in Aotearoa New
Anthropologically-informed proposals on European and settler art in the
Pacific are also welcome. Although it is anticipated that the research
projects will inform components of the exhibition and associated
publications, the specific topics and methodologies of each project will
be determined by the student in consultation with supervisors, as is
normally the case. Each project will involve sustained ethnographic
fieldwork, and research on historical records and in collections. It is
anticipated that most projects will be carried out toward PhDs but
applications for work at the MA level will also certainly be considered.
Applications from students from the Pacific are especially encouraged.
At present no special funds are allocated to the program. However
potential students can apply for ANU scholarships and Australian
Government Postgraduate Research Awards (in the case of Australian
residents). The ANU normally provides fieldwork funds for graduate
students, which may be supplemented by external grants. Those interested
should write in the first instance to:
Nicholas Thomas
Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
Faculty of Arts
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
[e-mail: Nicholas.Thomas@anu.edu.au]
Intending applicants should also request application forms for
scholarships and admission, and general information concerning the ANU
graduate programs, from:
Graduate Student Section
Chancelry Annex
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
James G. Carrier
Durham Anthropology / 43, Old Elvet / Durham DH1 3HN