africa research net-list 03.94
kokebo (kokebo@HACKTIC.NL)
Mon, 7 Mar 1994 10:53:17 +0100
The list is meant for people with development-project related
fieldwork experience in Sub-Sahara Africa. I posted a call for reactions 3
weeks ago. In the meanwhile I got accidentally unsubsribed from the
anthro-l list. My hostcomputer's move to a newer and bigger machine was
probably the cause. Apologies to those whose replies have been bounced by
the mailserver.
By now, there are 5 reactions. This is just a beginning! I believe
this email-adress-list can be helpfull to all of us. First of all in
establishing contacts. And secondly, new initiatives may come up; for
instance we might (trimensually or so) compile abstracts of our own
recently published or forthcoming articles. If people on this list feel
the need, it can be done. Therefore I will continue compiling replies to
this list for the next couple of months. Please inform collagues and
invite them to participate.
All replies from now untill April 7, will be compiled and remailed
to ANTHRO-L under the subject heading: "Africa Network List". If you don't
use this heading, I will possibly fail to read your reply. You can
download the list from ANTHRO-L by March 8.
Other lists that may be of intrest: (I intend to ask people on these
lists to join this compiled list.) A. Qualitative Research for the Human
Sciences, at: QUALRS-L@UGA.bitnet Subscribe in the usual way at
LISTSERV@UGA.bitnet. B. Africa News & Information Servic, at:
AFRICA-N@UTORONTO.BITNET Subsribe in the usual way at
This list is not yet neatly ordered. Apologies! I'm learning.
List initiator:
DE WIT, WILLEM 1. Name: De
Wit 2. First name: Willem 3. E-mail adress: kokebo@hacktic.nl 4.
Discipline: cultural anthropology 5. Institute: Kasumai R&D network,
Amsterdam, NL 6. Fieldwork Experience 7. What Country and what region?
Mauretania (Near Rosso) , Senegal (Casamance), The Gambia (MID,
Jakhaly-Pacharr) 8. What period? Mauretania 1983 /6 months; The Gambia and
Senegal 1986 / 6 months. 9. Short description of the project. The Gambia:
Rice irrigation project. 10. Research subject. Relationship local
(political) organisation and project organisation. 11. Note on fieldwork.
12. Publication / report?
1. Udvardy, M.L. 3. MLUDVA00@ukcc.uky.edu 4. Anthropology, Cultural
5. University of Kentucky 6. Kenya, Coastal (Mijikenda & Giriama),
& Highlands (Gusii); Ethiopia (General). 7. Kenya, HIghlands (Gusii)
- 3 months, 1983; Kenya, Coastal (mijikenda & Giriama) - 17 months
1983, 1984-86); Ethiopia, 5 weeks, 1987 8. Kenya, Highlands & Coast,
1983 - reconnaissance predoctoral field research; Kenya Coast 1984-86
dissertation field research; Ethiopia 1987 - World Bank and Swedish
International Devt. Agency Consultancy; 9. Dissertation field research
topics: Role of elderly women and men; secret societies; gender roles;
ethnomedicine; voluntary women's groups; kinship and descent systems;
Ethiopia: Assess the situation of Ethiopian women & recommend a develop-
ment project. 11. Kenya work has resulted in numerous publications;
Ethiopia work in developement consultancy report. EVANS, JEREMY
1. Name: Evans
2. First name: Jeremy
3. E-mail adress: Jevans@forestek.csir.co.za
4. Discipline: Social Anthropology
5. Institute: CSIR, Pretoria, PO Box 395 South Africa
Fieldwork Experience
6. What Country and what region?: South Africa
7. What period?: 1990-present
8. Short description of the project:
1989 University of the Witwatersrand SA
Honours research into the causes of increases in medicine murders in
from 1970-1988
1990-92 University of Natal SA
An analysis of social and economic factors affecting the performance
producers in subsistence and small-scale commercial agriculture,
examination of methods of land allocation and resettlement, tribal
structures, formal and informal selling, the comparative performance
male and
female-headed households and male and female farmers and production
provision. The work was carried out in collaboration with
Research was directed towards establishing causes of discontent with
local tribal
authorities and degrees of factionalism between adjacent subwards.
discerning the contribution to violence made by political and
and potential causes for political domination by subwards. The focus
was on witchkillings
Research focussed on current development activities of independent
churches. The attitudes of church members towards possible involvement in
development activities with other churches and the broader community were
examined. The tasks included supervision of an interview team conducting
interviews with church members and a formal survey.
1993-4 CSIR SA
Research into land tenure arrangements affecting tree planting and
of trees and tree products. This has relevance for recent government
directed towards increasing biomass production in rural areas. Land
and tenure regulations also impact on the potential generation of small
entrepreneurs involved in running nurseries and marketing produce.
Research into use of natural resources for a biosphere reserve plan
Soutpansberg. Research is being conducted in collaboration with
specialists. Natural resource use by local inhabitants is being
assessed in relation to land access and tenure, household economics, and
resource needs. Emphasis is placed on constraints encountered by housholds
in the collection and use of natural resources for household and
Research into effective community structures for maintaining and
community nurseries and woodlots. Factors affecting community
management and
ownership include land tenure arrangements, the nature of
structures and community-based organisations, non-governmental
organisations and parastatals/government departments involved in
implementing and maintaining
An evaluation of SA Biomass Initiative projects: The aim is to assess and
monitor the social acceptance of various woodlot and nursery models in
areas in the Transvaal. The assessment includes an examination of the
acceptability and capacities of implementing and other intermediary
supporting organisations with regard to project establishment and
Research towards the creation of optimal land-use scenarios in an Eastern
Transvaal example case study area, for input into SA government land-use
policy after April 1994. The focus is on conflicting land-uses with regard
to natural resource potential and actual natural resource use situations.
9. Research subject:
1993-4: as above, broadly a concentration on ecological anthropology in
10. Note on fieldwork:
11. Publication / report (?): publications/reports on each. If you
want references please give me a call.
Jeremy P Evans
Forestek CSIR
PO Box 395
Pretoria 0001
South Africa
Tel +27-12-841-3551
Fax +27-12-841-2689
email jevans@forestek.csir.co.za YODER, STANLEY
1. P. Stanley Yoder
2. Stan
4. Anthropology & Public Health
5. Annenberg School for Communication, U Penn
6. Fieldwork: Lesotho (national), Nigeria (Niger State), Zaire
Zambia (Copperbelt and Northern provinces)
7. 1987 to 1992 (data collection)
8. Currently working on articles from survey and interview data. Zambia
was an
evaluation of a radio soap opera about AIDS in Bemba in the Copperbelt.
other countries were evaluations of health education projects (HealthCom)
Ministries of Health assisted by the Academy for Educational Development
to do with oral rehydration for childhood diarrhea and vaccination
9. For ORT, the effect of mothers' perception of illness episodes on use
of ORT
and on treatment choices. For EPI, the effects of mothers' knowledge of
vaccination and of immunizable diseases on coverage. For AIDS (Zambia),
relation of social and demographic factors to knowledge of AIDS and
to avoid risky behavior.
10. Fieldwork included before and after large sample surveys as well as
11. A list of the Working Reports, final evaluations and journal articles
available for distribution is available from the Center for International,
Health, and Development Communication at ASC. Address requests to Stan
CIHDC, Annenberg School for Communications, 3620 Walnut St., Phila., PA
Your List is a great idea! Please put me on your mail list. I work in
Senegambia. My current work concerns long-distance/ world system
migration and rural change in West Africa. Best wishes in your work.
My name is Peter Weil, Dept of Anthropology, University of Delaware,
Newark, DE 19716, USA.
Are you interested to join this email-adress-list? Please mail your reply
to "kokebo@hacktic.nl" and not to ANTHRO-L etc. Use the subject heading:
"re: Africa research network". If not, you won't be included in the list.
See you again in four weeks! Willem de Wit, (kokebo@hacktic.nl)
Please include the following: 1. Name: 2. First name: 3. E-mail adress:
4. Discipline: 5. Institute: 6. Fieldwork Experience 7. What Country and
what region? 8. What period? 9. Short description of the project: 10.
Research subject: 11. Latest publication / report?