Position Announcement

Tue, 24 Jan 1995 09:40:25 EST

Given the growing number of anthropologists with social work
backgrounds, I thought I would pass this position announcement
along to the members of ANTHRO-L.

Jim McDonald , Asst. Professor of Anthropology
University of Michigan-Flint


POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT: Assistant Professor, Social Work
Human Behavior and the Social Environment Area

The University of Michigan-Flint invites applications and
nominations for the position of Assistant Professor of Social Work
to begin Fall term 1995. The Social Work Program has submitted its
application for Candidacy and is awaiting a response from CSWE.
The Program is part of a combined Sociology, Anthropology and
Criminal Justice Department.

The Search Committee is seeking a candidate with:
* A doctorate in social work, social welfare, or allied
field and the MSW degree.
* Two years of post MSW direct practice social work
* Some teaching experience and skill in the generalist
practice area.
* Demonstrated ability to conduct research and publish.
* Interest in teaching in the HBSE and research methods

The position is a tenure track nine month academic appointment
involving a nine credit hour teaching load each semester, student
advising, research, professional development, and service on
departmental, college, or university committees. Also, service to
the community and profession are considered regular
responsibilities of the position. Salary is commensurate with rank
and experience.

The University of Michigan-Flint, is one of the three campuses of
the University of Michigan. From its founding in 1956, the
University of Michigan-Flint has represented the combined efforts
of the University, the State of Michigan, and the Flint community
to develop and maintain a distinguished academic education program
for young people and mature adults of outstanding ambition,
ability, and potential for leadership. The Flint campus is
comprised of three academic units: College of Arts and Sciences,
School of Management and the School of Health Professions and
Studies. There are 6500 students enrolled each semester and
approximately 250 students enrolled in the Social Work Program.
The facilities of the University of Michigan-Flint are primarily
housed on a 42-acre River-front Campus located on the south bank of
the Flint River. Within easy walking distance of campus is Flint's
Cultural Center, which includes the buildings of the Charles
Stewart Mott Community College, the DeWaters Art Center, the J.
Dallas Dort Music Center, Whiting Auditorium, Bower Theater,
Longway Planetarium, Sloan Museum, Arthur H. Sarvis Center, and the
Flint Public Library. The campus is also about a one hour drive
from Detroit, Lansing, and Ann Arbor.

Please submit your curriculum vitae and three letters of
recommendation by February 15, 1995 to:

Dr. Charles A. Jones, Chair, Search Committee
The University of Michigan-Flint
College of Arts and Sciences
Social Work Program Room 422 CROB
Flint, Michigan 48502-2186

The University of Michigan-Flint is a
non-discriminatory/affirmative action/equal access employer which
specifically invites women and minorities to apply.