Re: Reading suggestions: Media and identity

wilkr (wilkr@INDIANA.EDU)
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 12:04:26 -0400

There is a wealth of literature for your student, much of it in recent
books published by Routledge and some older ones from the British Film

There is a recent title whose author I can't recall immediately :
"Otherness and Media" From U Penn Press I think. Here are some other
relevant readings, mostly a bit older. As I said, a Routledge catalog
will get you up and running with the most recent stuff. Also there was an
excellent collection in the Visual Anthropology Review in 1994.:

Ang, Ien 1985 Watching Dallas: Soap Opera and the Melodramatic
Imagination. Methuen: London.

Buckingham, D. 1988 Public Secrets: East Enders and Its
Audience. British Film Institute: London.

Drummond, Phillip and Richard Patterson (eds.) 1988 Television
and its audience: International Research Perspectives. BFI
Publishing: London.

Fachel, O. and R. Oliven 1988 "Class Interpretation of a Soap
Opera Narrative." Theory Culture and Society, 5(1): 81-100.

Fiske, John 1986 "Television: Polysemy and Popularity." Critical
Studies in Mass Communications. 3(4):391-408.

Hall, S. 1981 Encoding/decoding the television Message. in S.
Hall et al. (eds.), Culture, Media, Language. London: Hutchinson.

Karthigesu, Ranggasamay 1988 "Television as a Tool for Nation
Building in the Third World: A Post-Colonial Patterns, Using
Malaysia as a Case-Study." in Drummond, Phillip and Richard
Patterson (eds.), Television and its audience: International
Research Perspectives. BFI Publishing: London. pp 306-326

Katz, E. and T. Liebes 1984 "Once Upon a Time, in Dallas."
Intermedia 12(3).

Kottak, Conrad 1990 Prime Time Society. Wadsworth: Belmont,

Leal, Ondina F. 1990 "Popular Taste and the Erudite
Repertoire:The Place and Space of Television in Brazil." Cultural
Studies 4(1):19-29.

Lee, Minu and Chong Heup Cho 1990 "Women Watching Together: An
Ethnographic Study of Soap Opera Fans in the US." Cultural
Studies 4(1):30-44.

Livingstone, Sonia M. 1990 "Interpreting a Television Narrative:
How Different Viewers See a Story." Journal of Communication

Lofgren, Orvar 1990 "Consuming Interests." Culture & History

Lull, James 1988 "Constructing Rituals of Extension through
Family Television Viewing." in James Lull (ed.), World Families
Watch Television. Sage: Beverley Hills.

Michaels, Eric 1988 Hollywood Iconography: A Warlpiri Reading.
in Drummond, Phillip and Richard Patterson (eds.), Television and
its audience: International Research Perspectives. BFI
Publishing: London. pp. 109-124

Morley, D. 1980 The Nationwide Audience. London: British Film

-----. 1988 Domestic Relations: The Framework of Family Viewing
in Great Britain. in James Lull (ed.), World Families Watch
Television. Beverley Hills: Sage. pp. 22-48.

Richard Wilk Anthropology Dept.
812-855-8162 (voice) Indiana University
812-855-4358 (fax) Bloomington, IN 47405