Re: Does a BA "Make" an Anthropologist?

Tue, 21 Feb 1995 17:23:47 EST

I do not think we have spent enough time in our depts. studying what
a BA, non-future academic Ph.D. needs for the work world. A Field or
intern experience is essential, I think, but there are also course work
that is necessary. One of the problems, I think, is that we spend too
many course hours on the so-called 4-field approach. This is a
watered down version of a grad corer course requirement that simply
exposes the student to all 4 fields and really gives them very little
concrete they can use. Better to make one of the 4 required and
determine what the other most important courses are. In addition, we
have a lot of "Tracking" of students. One good track is, e.g., toward a
CRM track, but an "applied" track is too general. We need to develop
a more specialized set of tracks within the departments and in
relationship to the strengths of that department. I suggest medical
anthro or urban anthro are big, important areas in applied, but if no
one on staff can teach it, then it should not be offered, merely for
exposure. The curriculum probably needs more "skills" courses than
we currently typically offer.

BA's in applied anthro should not be designed priamrily as a "Basic,
Liberal arts" program, but more along the lines of a professional
degree. Perhaps Social Work is an analogous model.


James M. (Tim) Wallace Tel: 919-515-2491
Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology Fax: 919-515-2610
N. Carolina State University Email:
Box 8107, Raleigh, NC 27695-8107