A Theorem on Intelligence
Tue, 7 Feb 1995 13:19:39 EST
EASIANTH (EASt ASIAn ANTHropology) is an electronic
discussion group (or bulletin board or listserv) devoted to
the interests of anthropologists working in East Asia.
To subscribe to EASIANTH, send the following message
(*without headers or any additional text*)
subscribe EASIANTH <your personal name> <your family name>
EASIANTH grew out of an organizing session held at the
December 1994 meetings of the American Anthropological
Association where anthropologists working in East Asia voted
to form an interest group within the AAA. Though this
interest group was the motivating force behind the creation
of EASIANTH, the bulletin board is intended to provide a
forum for anthropologists throughout the world to exchange
scholarly information and to engage in discussion of any
topics related to the anthropology of East Asia.
The scope of East Asian Anthropology is inherently vast and
its boundaries fuzzy. Participants in the December 1994
meeting recognized that any definitional boundaries are
necessarily partial and arbitrary, but generally agreed to
define the scope of the interest group--and EASIANTH--
expansively to include: China (PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong);
Japan; Korea; other societies/cultures of Asia and the
Pacific Basin with historical or contemporary ties to East
Asia; transnational linkages among East Asian or between
East Asian and other societies/cultures; and diasporic
societies/cultures identified with East Asia.
Anthropological concerns with East Asia represented by this
interest group include those of the socio-cultural,
archaeological, biological, linguistic, and applied
The East Asian Anthropology Interest Group is committed to
developing international channels of communication among
anthropologists throughout the world, whether or not they
are members of the American Anthropological Association, and
therefore welcomes participation by anthropologists
regardless of their institutional affiliations or place of
EASIANTH is an international forum and postings in any
language are welcome.
EASIANTH is an unmoderated discussion group; the only
proscriptions are against commercial advertising and
malicious personal attacks. Commercial advertising refers
to announcements about products or services to be sold for
profit. It is legitimate to announce relevant job
opportunities or book publications. All postings to
EASIANTH should be signed.
If you wish to cite an item that you received via EASIANTH,
please consider if the posting was public or private and
contact its author for permission to cite. Postings can be
considered as published material, but it is always wise to
check with the author before assuming that widespread
dissemination was intended. For guidelines in citing
e-mail, see:
Li, Xia & Nancy B. Crane (1993) _Electronic Style:
A Guide to Citing Electronic Information_.
Denise O'Brien and Ted Bestor are the list-owners of
EASIANTH and are responsible for the administration of this
bulletin board. The responsibility for all statements of
fact or opinion posted on this bulletin board rests solely
and entirely with those individuals who post them.
Communications regarding the administration of EASIANTH
should be sent to Denise O'Brien at either of the
following addresses:
or to Ted Bestor at:
Ted Bestor is the convenor of the East Asian Anthropology
Interest Group of the American Anthropological Association,
and questions about its activities and membership should be
sent directly to him at the above address.