Flagstaff, Arizona altitude and asthma...

Bruce G. Conrad-Reingold (bgcr@DANA.UCC.NAU.EDU)
Wed, 14 Dec 1994 08:56:07 -0700

Flagstaff, Arizona's elevation is 7,000 feet give or take a few
feet here and there. I've never heard anyone complain about this having
a debilitating affect on their asthma -- but this does not rule it out
either. If you are seriously interested in NAU, perhaps it would be
worthwhile to contact a physician or a check the medical references. You
could also call the Coconino County Health Department at (602) 779-5164.
Once upon a time folks with respitory ailments and allergies headed
to the desert in Southern Arizona for clear dry air -- but today there's
no shortage of smog and tranplanted pollen in the Metro Phoenix area and
Tucson, too.
I'm in the thesis program here (archaeology: macrobotanical
analysis and data analysis), but our dept has a lot to offer in its
applied program.

Bruce G. Conrad-Reingold
Anthropology, Northern Arizona University