Mental health

Dan Jorgensen (dwj@JULIAN.UWO.CA)
Wed, 8 Dec 1993 06:39:44 -0500

If we're doing Szasz and Foucault, somebody may as well toss whatsisname,
the Brit who was all the rage some years ago -- R.D. Laing -- into the
hopper (or bin, as the case may be).

If your interest is more serious than tilting at conventional notions of
mental illness or showing that such ideas are all (a) cultural invention
or (b) power games, you might want to have a look at the ethnpsychiatric
stuff done by a Swiss working group including Florence Weiss. To my
knowledge, however, their stuff is in German and awaits translation into
English -- a pity (for us, at any rate).

Dan Jorgensen Email:
Department of Anthropology Voice: (519) 661-3430 x5096
University of Western Ontario FAX: (519) 661-2157
London, Ontario
Canada N6A 5C2