Re: Further Evolution beyond the Human?

Marcus S. Robinson, D.C.H. (
6 Oct 1996 19:57:35 GMT

In <> Brian Davison <>
>I have an interesting theory on evolution to consider. It seems most
>likely that the natural process of evolution is finished, and mankind
>the final product of that evolution. So the question remains, what
>comes next?
Homo sapiens is not the end, but a means to emergence of a new species
in humankind. I have dubded this new species, homo universalis and
metaphorically describe him as the One Song Hero.

Check the article (re)Discovering the Nature of Being posted in the
Voyager E-Journal. This article is hyperlink to a sample chapter of my
latest book entitled "One Song Hero: The Inward Journey of an Urban

Marcus S. Robinson, DCH
Voyager...On the Path of Transformation E-Journal