Paki gets his turban in a spin

Thu, 21 Nov 96 09:47:59 GMT

In article <> "Dr. Jai
Maharaj" writes:

> The thieves and their descendants must return the
> Koh-i-noor diamond and other stolen riches to Bharat
> before they vanish.

I can do better than that, O Esteeming One/matey. I can do you a very
nice Enlightenment take-away. Get a fresh banana leaf around this:
Democracy (like almost everything else) is "a White thing" and,
contrary to what Libruls would have us believe, most Whites don't want it
destroyed (like everything else) by hordes of Brown immigrants, who have no
history and even less understanding of it.
The neurochemical basis for Whites' unique ability to sustain the
ongoing revolution of "progress", both social and technological, over several
millennia, is, I believe, due to just the right amount of testosterone.
Empirical evidence, from three continents and 6,000 years of recorded
history, shows the Negro incapable of sustaining a technological society under
the rule of law, because of too little intelligence and too much testosterone.
Asiatics, with their superior intelligence, have been building
technological civilisations for almost as long as Whites, but too little
testosterone means that they lack the oomph to establish the notion of the
individual, leading to despotism, stagnation and no professional footballers
in the White lands. (In addition, Asiatics' impoverished sensory system
brutalises their behaviour and limits their intelligence largely to the nerdy
and uncreative sort, but that's another post).
So, there you have why Whites must not shirk their genetic
responsibilities and why wogs must funky on back to their roots.

D. MacMillan
Author of "How do you address an Indian?"
"They stole our music"
and many others.