Re: A typical scientist? (Re: Evidence . . . .

Kai Henningsen (
15 May 1995 22:33:00 +0100

Panopticon@oubliette.COM wrote on 13.05.95 in <Admin.0ym6@oubliette.COM>:


> actions. The act of responding with just about _any_ contradictory
> information maintains a place for the general views that we hold to be true
> in a much more specific way. Really, if I had to spend much time typing
> out my thoughts in the usenet because I actually thought that the specific
> sense was well conveyed, then I _would_ be insane. The truth is that I have
> joined a conspiracy unintentionally. I realize the worth of inflating the
> big bang topic line. I am even ready to add on cross-posts as we flicker by
> other unrelated topics. It is an expanding point.


A really neat self-*plonk*.


Bang: major_backbone!!kai
## CrossPoint v3.02 ##