Re: Religion: definition of

Gil Hardwick (
Sun, 30 Apr 1995 09:10:34 GMT

In article <>, Gerold Firl ( writes:
>See also Lazlo, _evolution: the grand synthesis_ for a concise summary of
>the similarity of evolutionary processes at all levels of organization,
>from the basic units of matter (subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, etc)
>to the macroscopic large-scale structures (stars, galaxies, galactic
>clusters) and the orthogonal axis of complexity in the living world, from
>cell to organism to culture.

The Grand Synthesis? ". . . and the orthogonal axis of complexity in
the living world, from cell to organism to culture"? Good grief!

Gerold, Old Bean, GET WITH IT, EH? I mean, back down here in the real
world of scientific method and disciplined enquiry, instead of sitting
there at your terminal day-dreaming up there in airy-fairy land over
these weird New Age books you read, will you?

>Like sci.anthro; most of us will never meet, but we are united by our
>interest in human culture.

This being so, wouldn't you like to maybe get a good grip on the idea
of human culture first? Don't you think?


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