Ed Conrad (
Mon, 27 Jan 1997 03:52:15 GMT

> The Universe: No small potato

So-called ``experts'' about the universe still have no idea -- none
whatsover -- of how big it really is.
Whenever they say they believe they have a pretty good concept
of its size and toss out an astronomical number that seems to stretch
the limits of our imagination, it isn't too long afterward that
they're forced to eat those words.

A continuation of new discoveries, especially because of the Hubble
in recent years, continues to dwarf all previous estimates of the size
of the universe.

It would seem satisfactory enough, then, to agree with certain
``experts" whose ballpark figure is a minimum of 100 million million
million stars.
Or, if that number doesn't seem quite large enough, they can always
accept Carl Sagan's mind-boggling claim that there are more stars out
there than the number of grains of sand on all of earth's beaches and

Sometimes, however, the best-kept secrets -- like that of the precise
size of the universe -- pop up in the most unlikely places.

David Fellin, who survived a grueling odeal I wouldn't wish on anyone,
wasn't seeking fame or fortune when he was rescued after being
entombed for 14 days following a coal mine cave-in in August 1963.
And he had quite a story to tell and tried to do so but few, if any,
would listen.

Not until a quarter-century later did Dave reveal in vivid detail
that, while waiting to die, he had left his physical body on numerous
occasions and, for whatever the reason, learned the answer to many of
the questions about both the earth and the universe.

``I saw ALL there is to see," he said.

Immediately, many out there who couldn't have come up to his waist
in bravery and courage, will dismiss Dave as a hallucinator, if not
something worse..

Yet, they should remember, he certainly wasn't considered a
hallucinator by Lt. Richard Anderson, physician/psychiatrist, who
headed the U.S. Navy Survival Team and conducted separate
hours-long interviews with Fellin and his fellow miner, Hank Throne,
the day they were rescued.

In addition, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross spent an entire day listening
to just part of Mr. Fellin's incredible story of what he learned while
in the other dimension and, at the conclusion, stated emphatically:
``I believe every word."

Meanwhile, Dave himself successfully passed two different polygraphs
about his most-incredible experiences and also signed an affidavit --
actually, many affidavits -- that everything he had revealed about
what he had learned during his out-of-body experiences was true.

With that in mind, we turn to a portion of a notarized letter signed
by Dave on Oct. 19, 1987 in which he revealed, rather humbly,
that he had learned something totally beyond comprehension
about the size of our universe.

``The universe, as we know it, is in itself but a grain of sand on the
ocean floor in comparison to the number of different universes which
exist," he stated. `` In other words, there is no end.
``I repeat: Our known universe, in comparison to the actual size of
all of the universes which reach out in all directions, is as
insignificant as a grain of sand on the ocean floor.
``I hereby testify that this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth, so help me God."