Re: Sites in National Parks

Rod Hagen (
Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:49:21 +1000

In article <3gqlb7$9mg$>, John H. Jameson
<75250.3271@CompuServe.COM> wrote:

> I am looking for references and sources on management and
> protection of cultural sites in national parks, both inside
> and outside the U.S. Any suggestions?

The Aboriginal Heritage unit of the News South Wales National Parks and
Wildlife Service ( try Dept of Conservation & Land Management GPO Box
39Sydney NSW Australia 2001) has done a fair amount of work in this area.
The Australian Institute of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal Studies
in Canberra would also be well worth contacting. (ph from US is 011 61 6
246 1111). So too would the Central Land Council in Alice Springs, NT
(which has responsibility for aspects of the management of the Uluru /
Ayers Rock National Park try from US ph 011 61 8 951 6211) and the
Northern Land Council, NT in Darwin (which has responsibilities concerning

The Arid Zone Research Unit of the Australian National University (sorry,
no address at hand) may also be helpful.

Either the Australian Institute of Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal
Studies or the Australian National University (can't remember which) help
a major symposium on theis issue a few years ago, and published a hefty
tome on the subject.

Rod Hagen