Re: Amerind an offensive term (was: Early Amerind assimilation

Stephen Barnard (
Sun, 11 Aug 1996 18:55:09 -0800

Eric Brunner wrote:
> Stephen Barnard ( wrote:
> : Eric Brunner wrote:
> : Bryant is simply trying to determine what you mean by "squatters",
> : and whether you willing to use the term in a consistent, non-racist
> : way. From the way you're wiggling around the question, like a
> : politician asked about abortion or taxes, I have to assume that the
> : answer is "no".
> Assume what you like, does he ask a legal question, or a non-legal one?
> There is a difference, on this, as with any other similar question. One
> reason why, when a legal question _is_ asked, definitional terms mean a
> great deal -- why we have "terms of art" in fact.
> Thanks for your contributions to clarity, such as they are, and please
> don't explain how Indians can be racist -- I don't have my seat on the
> NYSE yet.

OK, just for the sake of argument, let's assume that he is asking a
non-legal question. (It seems to me like he's made this clear, but I
can't speak for Bryant.)

BTW, I don't have a seat on the NYSE either. Are you claiming that
"Indians" (I assume you mean Native Americans) can't be racist?

Steve Barnard