Re: Is white racism nec. all bad?

Robert Hartman (
28 Apr 1995 19:05:55 GMT

In article <3nq1o8$>,
Donald Edwards <> wrote:
:Lane Singer ( wrote:
:"In <> (Eileen Camilleri) writes:
:">>I must disagree with you. Her post reeked of antisemitism, whether
:">>or not it was what she intended. The response you describe as having
:">>made was sound and justified under the circumstances.
:">"Reeked" is just a smear word. What specifically did I say that was
:"Oh dear, let me check ......
:"In <grizzy.55.000AB796@entriprise> grizzy@entriprise (eileen camilleri) writes:
:">: >Hitler is the world's most famous despot because the Jews were very
:">: >successful in their goal to demonize him
:So, where precisely is the anti-Semitism in this true statement?
:If the Jews had shut up about him at the end of the war, he would
:be virtually unheard-of today.
:He would still be one of history's *worst* despots, but not
:singularly famous. The facts of his despotism make it very
:easy to demonize him, but it still takes some effort to keep
:those facts in the public eye.

I think that the difference between Hitler and other mass-murdering
despots like Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot is that Hitler was the only one
to go beyond the borders of his own state to seek out and destroy an
entire race. Stalin murdered on a vast scale also. But he didn't
invade neighboring countries to go get his victims. Same with Mao.
Same with Pol Pot. They all acted with unspeakable evil. But Hitler
added that little twist of eugenics that made it all the more

That's why he's more infamous. He's uniquely demonized because his
program was uniquely demonic.
