Re: Is white racism nec. all bad?

Donald Edwards (
27 Apr 1995 23:25:12 -0700

Lane Singer ( wrote:
"In <> (Eileen Camilleri) writes:

">>I must disagree with you. Her post reeked of antisemitism, whether
">>or not it was what she intended. The response you describe as having
">>made was sound and justified under the circumstances.
">"Reeked" is just a smear word. What specifically did I say that was

"Oh dear, let me check ......

"In <grizzy.55.000AB796@entriprise> grizzy@entriprise (eileen camilleri) writes:
">: >Hitler is the world's most famous despot because the Jews were very
">: >successful in their goal to demonize him


So, where precisely is the anti-Semitism in this true statement?

If the Jews had shut up about him at the end of the war, he would
be virtually unheard-of today.

He would still be one of history's *worst* despots, but not
singularly famous. The facts of his despotism make it very
easy to demonize him, but it still takes some effort to keep
those facts in the public eye.