Re: Inuit Anger -- NEED HELP!

Al Patenaude (
4 Apr 1995 06:50:38 GMT

Try Jean Briggs (1970). _Never in Anger: Portrait of an Eskimo Family._
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

It is an oldie but a goodie... It offers one example. The accounts of
Diamond Jenness on the Canadian Arctic Expedition, Asen Balikci's
_The Central Eskimo_, and Rasmussen's accounts of the Fifth Thule
Expedition all have references to anger managment and avoidance.
Geert van den Steenhoven and Wim Rasing from the University of
Nijmegan in the Holland have also written on the topic. Wim
has written on conflict manaagment techniques in the Igloolik area.

Good luck with your search.

Al Patenaude
School of Criminology
Simon Fraser University email: