Re: Half Human?

Aurelius M. (
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 19:00:20 -0700

william r smith wrote:
> Charles Candy wrote:
> Someone was telling me about an artical they read in the Dallas
> Morning News about a chimp that was possibly half human.
> C. Marc Wagner wrote:
> It is nonsense. The two species cannot interbreed!
> If it's possible for a horse and a donkey to interbreed and produce
> a mule or for tigers and lions to interbreed, why wouldn't it be
> possible for a chimpanzee and a human. I'm told the chimp and
> human have more DNA in common than horse and donkey.
> William Sburgfort Smith
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> William Smith
> Maui High Performance Computing Center WWW:
> _______________________________________________________________________________
Colon Tudge in an excellent book called A TIME BEFORE History,
opines that a Chimp and Human maybe able to produce off
spring. You are correct the DNA of a Chimp and Human are closer
than a Donkey and Horse.