Re: Bipedalism and other

J. Moore (
Wed, 5 Jul 95 10:57:00 -0500

Cf> (Also that crocs don't let go once they have a bite.)

Cf> There is also
Cf> this phenomenon of crocodile-wrestling; if you can get its mouth closed,
Cf> you can hold it closed bare-handed.

Doesn't do you much good when the jaws are closed around your leg.

Cf> >Pa> 3) The argument that apes could not have adapted to an aquatic
Cf> environment
Cf> >Pa> because of sharks or crocodiles is bogus. Both predators have been
Cf> around
Cf> >Pa> when many other mammal species made the transistion from land to
Cf> water.
Cf> >Pa> The pioneers must have been pretty clumsy in the water during the
Cf> >Pa> initial stages of the transition, but they made it.
Cf> >Pa> Pat Dooley

Cf> >Okay, name them; name some tropical mammals that:
Cf> >A) are about the size of these hominids (or smaller);
Cf> >B) spend 4-8 hours a day in waist-deep or deeper water; and
Cf> >C) reproduce as slowly as humans and chimps.

Cf> Manatee? (I don't know how they reproduce.) Something called
Cf> Dugong(sp?) Otters and various seals deal with sharks.
Cf> -Clara A. N. Fitzgerald

Manatee, dugong. Very large animals, as you would have known if you had
done even the slightest attempt at research before posting this. Otters
and seals have young which mature very quickly, which means they replace
their population far quicker than humans or great apes, and otters have
litters of pups, which leads to even quicker population replacement.

Did you even *consider* doing even the slightest research before

Jim Moore (

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