Looking for Cap Blanc-Sceleton paper

Hagen Wenzek (hagen@freestyle.oche.de)
20 Jul 1994 18:26:00 +0100

I'd like to try again to find somebody from the University of Illinois or
maybe from Chigaco, since the sceleton can be found there in a museum.

Posting from 06/26/94:
My girlfriend is looking for a paper from the University of Illinois that
the librariens in Cologne cannot get.
If anybody there could have a look in their library for:

Bonin, G.von
The magdalenian skeleton from Cap Blanc in the field Museum of National
Either in: University of Illinois Bulletin, XXXII, No.34, 1935
Or: Medical and Dental Monographs. Univ.of Ill., Ill.I, 1934,1-76

Replies with the exact place and inventory number would be appreciated
very much. She needs it for here graduation paper at the University of
Cologne, Germany.

thanks Hagen