Re: Civilization and Evolution

C. Marc Wagner -- Unix Systems Specialist (
Tue, 06 Aug 1996 15:38:22 -0500

Turbo17930 wrote:
> "Civilization", as commonly understood, is a negative evolutionary trait.
> Specifically, I mean that the modern world of man is a recessionary
> biological
> trait, and will eventually result in Man's disappearance from earth.
> Example? Resource use. Only a blind fool fails to recognize that humanity
> is
> consuming the finite resourses available to us. What then?
> Floyd A. Stephens

It seems to me that it is less a matter of civilization and more a matter of
OVERPOPULATION. The Human Race is an extremely successful species. Some might
argue too successful. The use of resources is directly related to how many of
us there are. The fact that we USE technology is not the problem. The fact
that we MISUSE technology is. If the Human Race is to avoid the mass
extinctions that have plagued other overly successful species in the past, we
are going to have to learn to manage our resources better. If we don't a lot
of us (may ALL of us) will surely face extinction. Just the same, someone will
follow and someday our bones will be dug up and argued over!
