Re: What Would Sex With A Apith Been Like...?

Thu, 3 Aug 1995 00:00:50 GMT

In article <3vo4j5$>, Dave Keeny <> wrote:
> (BARD) wrote:
>> Yeah, right, ask your mother too; but seriously, what would
>> it have been like?
>> In another post, someone suggested apiths probably practised
>> rear entry. Some comparison was made with apes. We know, for
>> example, the lowland gorilla's penis averages 2 inches; humans,
>> 4 1/2 to 5 inches. Should we then conjecture the apith's was somewhere
>> between, say, 3-4 inches?
>> This is a good length, long enough to produce orgasm in
>> the female; thus, should we conjecture further apiths
>> like to fuck?
>I don't know why you would assume 3-4 inches is a good length.
>Of course, in relation to the size of the average australopithecine,
>one might argue that an apith with 3-4 inches was proportionately
>quite well endowed -- certainly endowed beyond the anatomical
>requirements for fertilization; however, I question your assertion,
>"long enough...female". It has been well documented that in humans
>(and I believe this can be applied to apiths) length is a relatively
>insignificant factor, in terms of mechanics. Psychologically, of course,
>the situation may be quite different. Are you asserting that apiths
>had the same preoccupation with length that many humans do?

" terms of mechanics."

What you mean by this is unclear. Certainly, a length of 2 inches
poses no problem for the ape and perhaps some few humans (Phil
Nicholls would be a good source here), however, sustained pleasure
requires more than what is barely adequate for discharging
sperm past the cervix.

A "well-endowed" man or australopithecine performs his reproductive
duties and more. Further, one could argue it was indeed
the "stud" apith who was most in demand; thus, the corresponding growth
in length over time. That is to say, although the modern female's
sexuality may be more complex -- although not much -- given a
choice, the randy, young australopithecine female would
no doubt have preferred a stud to an anthropology professor.