RE: Crab Nebula and Supernova of 1054, part 2

3 Apr 1995 14:05 CDT

To all who saw this earlier post of mine and to those who responded:

The April issue of Sky&Telescope magazine has an interesting article by Dr.
Krupp on possible Amerindian representations of the Supernova of 1054. It
has a specific emphasis on the Chaco Canyon pictograph of the star, crescent
moon, and "sacred hand." I would be interested in any discussion about the
use of the "ethnographic ramrod" to discount the possibility of the pictograph
representing a "out-of-the-ordinary, historical phenomenon" by the cited
anthro from UNM. Seems like a dubious assertion to me. Thanks.

James Benthall
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Houston
University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77204