Re: Is This True?

James Carrier (James.Carrier@DURHAM.AC.UK)
Thu, 19 Jan 1995 11:15:44 +0000

If it is true that only niggling percent of higher education courses are
`computer enhanced' and most assignments do not require software, it
seems to me like a good thing.
I do not require that my students use word processors -- though
they all do. Nor indeed does the sample multi-media machine sitting in
the department office get much use.
I will turn Handson's question on its head: why should anyone be
surprised at the findings? (Other than computer and software
manufacturers, who may take a dim view of it.)
I should warn you that I am in my Luddite mood. (And is probably
correct, as they were not simply self-seeking machine bashers, but had
rather more complex social, political and economic ends in mind.)


James G. Carrier

Durham Anthropology / 43, Old Elvet / Durham DH1 3HN