Horticulture predated agriculture?
Geeta Bharathan (fzyenath@boris.ucdavis.edu)
26 Sep 1996 20:16:12 GMT
The question is about the hypothesis that horticulture (involving
domestication of yams and taro) predated rice cultivation in South and
South-East Asia. What do people think about it today?
Can anyone suggest recent readings on this topic? My own efforts in the
library yielded references dated mostly the 70's and 80's. I would very
much like to have a sense of the consensus today. I am a botanist and am
trying to understand these issues in the context of my interest in some of
the plants involved in the domestication process. Any pointers, and
especially recent review-type articles would be greatly appreciated.
If this is not the most appropriate forum for the question I hope someone
will suggest an alternative.
Thanks in advance.
--Geeta Bharathan