Re: how many bastards are there, anyway?Kevin Keith (ktkeith@panix.com)21 Sep 1996 23:11:52 -0400
In <51pdrq$6ra@panix.com> iayork@panix.com (Ian A. York) writes:
I have no idea what any of this is about - which makes is perfect for
>>>but me? I mean, why stick spurs on something's head? Just for fun? If
>Are you serious? If so, can you give me some references? The problems I
Usually castrated animals gain more weight that uncastrated ones, on
>- the spurs are taken OFF the same cocks. That means they will lack the
Fighting cocks do not fight with their actual leg spurs - they are fitted
>- head spurs? I've seen lots of roosters fight (not in tournaments, just
But they often get injured in the head in fighting - perhaps having some
>Has anyone got any ideas that aren't guesses?
I'm not sure I see your point here.
Kevin "no, as a matter of fact" T. Keith --