Re: if Bigfoot were real what would it be?
wd&aeMiller (millerwd@ix.netcom.com(wd&aeMiller))
11 Sep 1996 01:04:12 GMT
In <32361BFF.33B6@worldnet.att.net> Ronald McVan
<ron-mcvan@worldnet.att.net> writes:
>Hello from a newbie. I was just thinking about what a bigfoot might
>if there are any outside of the tabloids of course? Could it be an
>unknown type of ape? Or perhaps somthing from the fosil record
>to be extinct but is surviving in some remote areas? Are there any
>that use real science to address this subject?
> I've always wanted to be a MAD-SCIENTIST
> so far I've accomplished the 1st half.
> Boingee, Boingee, Boingee, NARF!
In the words of Rorshack of the Watchmen... "Hurm."