CONFERENCE: Post-catastrophic paradigm shift in ancient Greece
Ian Tresman (
Fri, 06 Sep 1996 15:09:06 GMT
Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations:
Archaeological, Geological and Astronomical Perspectives.
A conference at Fitzwilliam College. Cambridge. 11th-13th July 1997
The following have agreed in principle to present papers at the
conference. The actual title of each talk is not yet known (to be
notified later) and for the moment, the most probable topic has been
given. The list of speakers is preliminary and further speakers could
be added and notified at a later date.
Prof Mark Bailey (Armagh Observatory)
Cometary astronomy and ancient history.
Dr Mike Baillie (Queen's University Belfast)
Climate changes during the Bronze Age, and cultural implications.
Dr Victor Clube (Oxford University)
Cometary astronomy and ancient history.
Prof Gunner Heinsohn (Bremen University)
Catastrophic emergence of civilisation:
the coming of Bronze Age cultures.
Dr W B Masse (University of Hawaii)
Bronze Age flood catastrophe.
Prof William Mullen (Bard College)
The agenda of the Milesian School: the post-catastrophic
paradigm shift in ancient Greece.
Prof David Pankenier (Lehigh University)
Natural catastrophes in Chinese mythology and tradition.
Dr Benny Peiser (Liverpool John Moores Univ.)
The stratigraphy of Bronze Age catastrophes.
Prof Irving Wolfe (University of Montreal)
The 'Kultursturz' at the Bronze Age-Iron Age interface.
Organised by The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies
Details at