Re: Political Sci/Social Sci Term Paper Ideas Available
Sat, 07 Sep 1996 12:44:41 -0500

Re: Political Sci/Social Sci Term Paper Ideas Available

D.L. wrote:

> In my experience, most students get their ideas for term
> papers by reading literature published in the journals of
> their respective disciplines.

The Author responds:

So? By the way, do Ph.D. candidates get their ideas for
original theses from these journals?

D.L. wrote:

> average real personal income for whites declined for
> a brief period during the late 1970s, by the early 1980s
> it had resumed the long-term up-trend.incomes for both
> whites and blacks have been rising

The Author responds:

This is not what I've been hearing. Economists on the
business news can be quoted as stating that real wages
are falling with no end in sight!

D.L. wrote:

> average personal incomes for blacks were about 66% of
> average personal incomes for whites in 1980, but the
> current figure is closer to 70%.

The Author responds:

Even if it is true that average income for blacks is
approaching 70% of that of whites, this statistic does
not preclude the fact that all real wages are falling
with no end in sight!

D.L. wrote:

> Table P-2a. Race and Hispanic Origin--All Persons 15 Years
> Old and Over, by Mean Income: 1947 to 1994 (in 1994 Dollars)
> Year All
> Races White Black 2/
> -------------------------------------------------
> 1994 ............. $23,278 $24,119 $17,293
> 1990.............. 22,499 23,304 16,193
> 1985 ............. 21,105 21,854 15,157
> 1980.............. 19,803 20,445 14,319
> 1975 ............. 20,318 21,041 14,076
> 1970.............. 20,055 20,838 13,776
> 1965.............. 18,339 19,218 11,141
> 1960.............. 16,090 16,933 9,325
> 1955.............. 14,851 15,701 7,945
> 1950.............. 13,440 14,170 6,974
> SOURCE: Current Population Reports, Series P60
> Income Statistics Branch/HHES Division
> U.S. Bureau of the Census
> U.S. Department of Commerce
> Washington, D.C. 20233-8500
> (301) 763-8576

The Author responds:

Yes, I read the caption above, but I still don't know where
D.L. gets his statistics from.

Lester Thurow, the highly regarded Economist from M.I.T,
recently wrote in a major magazine article that 1994 and
1995 have shaped up to be pretty bad years for real wage
erosion in the U.S. Why would he say such a thing in light
of the tables above?

Do the above averages include only incomes of people who are
still working? If the zero incomes of people who have been
reduced to begging are taken into account, will the averages
come out the same?

How about taking into account the fact that workers have to
work longer hours without paid overtime in many instances?
You know the 35 hour work week is pretty much a thing of the
past. And while I am on this line of reasoning, what about
people who have to work two and three jobs in order to earn
the equivalent of what used to be earned with one job?

How about taking into account the fact that benefits are
being downwardly equalized to nothing. I do not believe
that the tables above account for benefits in the least.

Even if the figure of $24,119 at the top of the middle column
of incomes is correct, is this anything to boast about when
that number really should be $50,000 or higher. You know,
with advancing technology in the areas of production and
distribution, the real wage levels and standard of living
for the populace should be skyrocketing, but of course we
all know that they are not!

There is one thing I know for sure that D.L.'s tables do
not take into account, and that is the fact that workers
have been plunged deeply into debt by the deficit spending
on the part of the government. However, if it were not for
all the economic stimulation derived from this deficit
spending, then we would not be seeing even the anemic income
growth allegedly portrayed by the tables above.

If anyone would like a free email copy of the multipart
treatise on the downward wage equalizing effects of
equal employment opportunity, send a brief request to:

This treatise is chock-full of ideas for term papers in
the areas of economics, political science, sociology,
psychology, management, law, etc.

Hurry while the penet remailer is still forwarding email
to the "na" form of addresses!

"Government enforced wage equalization will work only in the
downward direction" - despite any initial appearance to the
contrary! And believe it or not, the least preferred job
candidate doesn't even have to be awarded a job for many
phenomena to take place!