Re: Evolution, "adaptation", and what's currently adaptive
Bryant (mycol1@unm.edu)
4 Sep 1996 14:51:47 -0600
In article <lpiotrow.402.322D9756@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>,
Len Piotrowski <lpiotrow@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
>Thanks, Susan, for reminding me about that term. In my own crude way I was
>trying to make a similar point with my criticism of the process of functional
No you weren't. Exaptations are adaptations no longer used for the
original function they served. They are adaptations--just outdated ones,
or ones being used in novel ways that weren't originally selected for.
>At any rate, does the concept of exaptation make all adaptations suspect as
>pre-suppositions of a "purpose?"
Hardly. See above.