Re: Luxembourg Is Nova Chalconia; Luxembourg City Is Hakungoak

Tony (
Wed, 4 Sep 1996 16:35:58 GMT

My friends, it now must be revealed that the name of the Grand-Duchy of
Luxembourg will be changed to the Regency of Nova Chalconia. The
underlying reason for this must be revealed to the world: it is that
Luxembourg is the seat of a very ancient (though now largely forgotten)
empire. This empire spanned much of west-central Europe during the
Copper Age, some 5000 years before the current era. This empire was a
great, though primitive, civilization, built by a great people who
immigrated from the East: the paleo-Sakartveloi, who were Mongols
arising out of the Old Caucasus. This empire was the Izkappialgut
Tuskualdo, the Empire of the Sun.

The capital of this empire, Izkappialgut Tuskualdo, was located in the
city of Hakungoak, what is now Luxembourg City. We of the People's
International University, who have researched ancient artifacts from
the empire (known to some historians as the so-called paleo-Letzisch
empire), have determined that Hakungoak was once a great city. It was
characterized by its stone dwellings and towers to the god Tuskualdo,
also made of stone. In the city were many pits, or small arenas, dug
into the ground up to six meters deep. We believe these pits to have
had sacred purposes in the Tuskualdunak religion. The greatest of
these pits, the Pit of Nagahhaon, was used for the initiation rites of
young supplicants to the Tuskualdunak priesthood. In each pit was a
central pyre, or oven, in which a fire was lighted during the religious
ceremony. We know that the Tuskualdunak religion was based on
Shamanistic principles.

There is another aspect to the paleo-Sakartveloi, and that is that they
were great astronomers. Their ancestors in the Old Caucasus built
what is referred to (in cave inscriptions in Central Asia, the
Caucasus, Asia Minor and Western Europe) as a "heliotrope". This was
an instrument for measuring the movement of the Sun. Cave
inscriptions in the ancient runic alphabet of the paleo-Sakartveloi
(which is related to some of the languages of the Caucasus, such as
Mingrelian, and also, possibly, to the Basque language) describe the
greatest heliotrope ever built by the paleo-Sakarveloi: it is referred
to as the Great Stone Heliotrope. Its remnants are still to be
discovered in our archaeological digs.

Antonio Gomez Muzcreidt, Ph.D.
People's International University