Re: Life Duty Death
Marty G. Price (mprice@Ra.MsState.Edu)
Mon, 11 Sep 1995 19:16:00 -0500
On Mon, 11 Sep 1995, Joseph Askew wrote:
> In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950911091204.3572D-100000@Ra.MsState.Edu> "Marty G. Price" <mprice@Ra.MsState.Edu> writes:
> >> You go off and play your silly little game then. I'll
> >> go on living my life as I please. We will see who is
> >> right in the end.
> >As a believer in Karma, I will tell you the First Law of Karma is "You
> >must live in the world you create."
> Fine. I actually speak Chinese and I will tell you there
> is no such thing as the First Law of Karma but why let
> the truth get in the way of your other delusions?
I'm not Buddhist (I guess you believe the Chinese are?) or Hindu or the
member of any other Eastern religion. I know karma is originally an
Eastern term, but I don't use it in precisely that fashion---did you note
that you're posting to alt.pagan?
> >That means that actions have consequences, simple earthly consequences,
> >that you must live with. If you murder your mother, you must live
> >motherless. If you destroy the Earth that sustains us, you must live on
> >an increasingly inhospitable planet.
> Fine. Not that I will. Or can. The Earth is going to be
> here full of happy little humans for a long time to come.
> All buying MacDonald's and watching Cable TV. Deal with it.
> >As a believer in the interdependence of all things (which means I know a
> >little science, which is *much* more than you know) I know I and my
> >children must also live in the world you help create.
> Fine. Lucky for you I'm not trying to ruin your life
> like you are trying to ruin mine.
Actually you are. You are demanding the right to continue poisoning the
air that I must breathe, the water I must drink, and the Earth I depend
on for sustanence. You are claiming the right to behave as one of a
plague of locusts during a feeding frenzy. Do you know what locusts do
to the country they cross? Or that, in non-plague times, they appear as
a quite ordinary variety of grasshopper?
We have the choice. We can be a stable part of the ecosystem, or can be
The amazing thing about your responses, by the way, is your failure to
cite a single accurate fact in any of them. You pass off all arguments
with a shoulder-shrugging "nonsense," as though reality need never
intervene if you keep up your defenses.
No, I've no interest in shooting you. One day, I expect, you will run
across a fact, and the pure sight of it will cause you to drop over dead.