Re: No Anthropology here

Thomas Kavanagh (
1 Sep 1995 13:39:04 GMT

At the risk of being caught by a troll under a bridge, ... wrote:

>I have spent many years studying anthropology. It was my understanding that
>anthropology was the unbiased study of cultures.

If nothing else, anthro teaches that nothing in human culture is
unbiased, even the unbiased study of cultures.

>What is this garbage that you
>people are talking about under the guise of anthropology.

Well, you first have to ask if the various discussions you allude to
but don't specifically mention are really going on here, or whether
they are just cross-posted; remember, Clyde Kluckhohn titled his
book, Mirror for Man, sci.anthro is often just a mirror site for
everyone else on usenet. Most of us over here don't talk garbage, we
just watch with intensxe curiosity what other people write.

>Cultural anthropology deals with the cultures of non western civilization
>Physical anthropology deals with the remains of once living creatures
>Archaeology deals with the material remains of once living creatures
>Linguistics deals with the history and make up of language.

Not quite:
Cultural anthropology deals with the cultures of people, period,western.
non-western, northern, southern and Scottish.

Physical anthropology deals with the biological forms of humans.
Somatology are the soft tissues, osteology are the bones. Sometimes they
are dead, but to get that way, they had to be living.

Archaeology deals with the material remains of humans. Some of those
humans are still alive.

Linguistics deals with language.

>Are there any scholars here? I figure not, who would want to be caught dead on
>a system that uses Darwinian theory to justify racism. Or who use anthropology
>to speak of the struggle of blackwomen.

Of the first, can you specify?
Of the second, why not?
